Dezember 2018 Archiv

Rationalität statt Raserei.

Move at an appropriate speed and make things work.

Charlie Owen: Dear Developer, the Web isn't about you.


Text editors are like wine. The older the better. You do not want a shiny new text editor. You want the text editor that has been around long enough and used by enough geeks that every conceivable pattern of manipulating symbols on the screen has been thought of, and crystallized into a re-usable pack.

Vivek Haldar:New frontiers in text editing


Wenn die Postkarten von der Wand fallen, dann ist es an der Zeit mal wieder umzuziehen.


Huxley showed that in the West, we need not control by coercion. We control by confusion.

Guy Davies: Brave New World Revisited, revisited

The G-Thing.

It’s a thing people invented to put you in a category.

a second-grader, asked “What is gender?”