Schlagwort: Logik


Der gütige Professor, der aus meiner öffentlichen literarischen Tätigkeit zuviel von mir wußte, um mich mit Kleinkram zu vexieren, sagte mir in einer privaten Vorbesprechung lächelnd: »Exakte Logik wollen Sie doch lieber nicht geprüft werden«, und führte mich dann in der Tat sachte auf die Gebiete, in denen er mich sicher wußte.

Stefan Zweig: Die Welt von Gestern (1944)

Always include what you forget.

It's far from obvious what's obvious.


Are programmers biased in terms of spending more time writing code than they do thinking about it?

Yes, the importance of thinking and writing before you code needs to be taught in undergraduate computer science courses and it’s not. And the reason is that there’s no communication between the people who teach programming and the people who teach program verification.

Leslie Lamport


As the world urgently needs more logic and rationality, Logic4Peace creates a platform for logicians from around the world [...]

Logic4Peace: fundraising online Logic event for Peace


The Board of the Dutch Association for Logic and Philosophy of the Exact Sciences (VvL) unconditionally condemns the military aggression by Russia in Ukraine. We stand up against the blatant attack of the Russian government against a sovereign state, against democracy and against innocent people. In these difficult times we express our full solidarity and support to our Ukrainian colleagues.

Het bestuur van de Vereniging voor Logica en Wijsbegeerte van de Exacte Wetenschappen (VvL) veroordeelt de militaire agressie van Rusland in Oekraïne onvoorwaardelijk. Wij staan op tegen de brute aanval van de Russische regering op een soevereine staat, op de democratie en op onschuldige mensen. In deze moeilijke tijden betuigen we onze volledige solidariteit en steun aan onze Oekraïense collega's.

VvL: Statement on the War in Ukraine / Verklaring met betrekking tot oorlog in Oekraïne