Schlagwort: Internet

Men tantamount to war criminals.

I will never forgive these people for what they’ve done to the computer, and the more I learn about both their intentions and actions the more certain I am that they are unrepentant and that their greed will never be sated. I have watched them take the things that made me human — social networking, digital communities, apps, and the other connecting fabric of our digital lives — and turned them into devices of torture, profitable mechanisms of abuse, and find it disgusting how many reporters seem to believe it's their responsibility to thank them and explain why it's good this is happening to their readers.

Edward Zitron: Never Forgive Them (2024-12-16)


The EDPS has therefore decided to order the Commission, effective on 9 December 2024, to suspend all data flows resulting from its use of Microsoft 365 to Microsoft and to its affiliates and sub-processors located in countries outside the EU/EEA not covered by an adequacy decision.

EDPS: European Commission’s use of Microsoft 365 infringes data protection law for EU institutions and bodies

Brumm brumm.

Der Cyberboomer sehnt sich nach den alten Zeiten und beginnt, Zuckerberg zu lieben, gewandet ins Mäntelchen des Bescheidwisser-Rationalismus. Seien wir doch ehrlich, nur Zuck kann Musk eins derart in die Fresse geben, dass er nicht wieder aufsteht. Schau, was Meta sagt: Zehntausend neue Sign-ons bei Threads pro Sekunde! Diese Usermassen können nicht falsch liegen. Und so geht der Cyberboomer dorthin, wo der Buzz ist, dort kann er anstrengungslos mitwachsen und wie gewohnt die Proles aufmischen und die Verkaufsmasche so liebevoll am Leben erhalten wie der Vorgänger seinen Diesel. Der Cyberboomer ist bereit, dafür sehr viele falsche Dinge zu tun, sehr viele Übeltaten zu ignorieren, die Ökosphäre des Internets zu verraten und komplett in die Tonne zu treten. Der Cyberboomer gibt Gas, er will Spaß.

gHack: Das Cyberboomer-Manifest

Oh Autsch Zwei.

OAuth2 *in practice* is abused to control what applications can access YOUR OWN mail.

Do you need to register your slippers or mailbox key with $YOURCOUNTRY's Postal Service before you can open your mailbox and get your mail out? No. But that is what Google and Microsoft do with OAuth2 in practice.

With mail providers requiring applications to be registered, possibly fee-paying assessment - no thanks.

Matthias, on fetchmail-users (2022-10-22)


If I still cannot read your website after turning off more than half of my browser add-ons, I'll give up.