Schlagwort: Internet


Let's consider the browser quotient (BQ) to rank jobs: what percentage of your duties can only be done in a web browser?

Bird Wall.

As a company from eastern Germany, we know that building a wall to try and keep people from leaving isn't a good idea.

Mastodon gGmbH

Apathy's a tragedy and boredom's a crime.

Could interest you in everything all of the time?

Bo Burnham: Welcome to the Internet

A right to leave but keep.

There’s no technical reason that Big Tech can’t directly connect to the Fediverse. The ACCESS Act, a proposed US law, would do just that. The EU has passed the Digital Markets Act (DMA), which promises to impose interoperability on giant social media platforms…eventually.

Cory Doctorow: How to Leave Dying Social Media Platforms (without ditching your friends) [warning: Medium, use this]


For her, the electronic books were an insurance policy of sorts. The four-day elevator ride might be nothing more than a prelude to further journeys, some of which might take her to places with little to no bandwidth, and nothing was worse than getting stuck in a situation like that with nothing to read.

Neal Stephenson: Seveneves