Schlagwort: Mode

Summer Shoes.

Learning to open beer bottles with SPD cleats: ✓


Text editors are like wine. The older the better. You do not want a shiny new text editor. You want the text editor that has been around long enough and used by enough geeks that every conceivable pattern of manipulating symbols on the screen has been thought of, and crystallized into a re-usable pack.

Vivek Haldar:New frontiers in text editing


Alleine im Mai wurden am Frankfurter Flughafen 35 Tonnen Fidget Spinner konfisziert.

Hengameh Yaghoobifarah ( Fidget-Spinner-Gate - Linksdrehen gegen Deutschland

Nackt und Berühmt.

Erstaunlich was heutzutage alles im Hard Rock [C/c]afe läuft.

Big Data.

Big fucking deal[1][2] is a collection of deals so fucking large and complex that it becomes difficult to process using on-hand fuck giving tools or traditional shit giving techniques. The challenges include capture, curation, storage,[3] search, sharing, transfer, analysis,[4] and all kinds of who the fuck knows what else. The trend to larger fucking deals is due to the additional shit derivable from giving a fuck about a single large fucking pile of related shit, as compared to separate smaller piles with the same total amount of bullshit, allowing correlations to be found to “spot business shit, determine quality of whatever, prevent some nasty shit, link legal shit right the fuck together, combat fucking crime no I am not making this up it’s like fucking Batman, and determine real-time traffic shittiness.”

Bryan O'Sullivan feat. Wikipedia: Big Data