Schlagwort: Geld


Wir wollen ein Haus kaufen. Gemeinsam. Ohne dass jemand von uns besonders viel Eigenkapital mitbringt. Und wir wollen nicht, dass es nach dem Kauf uns gehört, sondern stets denen, die aktuell darin wohnen.

Paid to fail.

One recent study determined that European universities spend roughly 1.4 billion euros a year on failed grant applications.

David Graeber: Bullshit Jobs

Testing Spam.

Dear friend,

As is well known, the reagents for virus detection are facing serious shortage situation in many countries and it will take at least $1400 USD/ per person for the coronavirus detection. As result, there are a large number of people who have already show some symptom cannot be detected. Not to mention those asymptomatic infections, they might be the close contacts who remaining undetectable and are potential risks to person around them. To avoid this bad situation, I would like to recommend a test kit for COVID for you. Compared with $1400 USD test cost per person, the test kit we have is only $298 USD per box, and each box contains 25 pcs of test cassette which can be applied to 25 person.

You can tell the result within 15 minutes using this test kit by identifying where the result shows, as indicates negative, positive and uncertain position. The accuracy of the result is more than 95% and it is made by the National Military Research Institute. Most importantly, this test kits is the one that recently donated to Iran by China government.

Should this test kit be of your interest, please let me know. My Email is: [REMOVED]

a recent spam email

Same shit, same pay!

Also Kohle her, bevor wir hier noch eskalieren!

Suchtpotenzial feat. Yasi Hofer: Genauso scheiße

Basic Needs.

It is said that with money you can have everything, but you cannot. You can buy food, but not appetite; medicine but not health; knowledge but not wisdom; glitter, but not beauty; fun, but not joy; acquaintances, but not friends; servants, but not faithfulness; leisure, but not peace. You can have the husk of everything for money, but not the kernel.

Arne Garborg