Schlagwort: Geld

Hodl tight.

die finanzindurstrie kennt kein hodl.

Michael Seeman

Geht doch.

We trekken ons terug uit beleggingen in producenten van fossiele brandstoffen (olie, gas en kolen). Dit heeft het bestuur van ABP besloten na onlangs verschenen klimaatrapporten. Voor het besluit is veel steun. Veel deelnemers en werkgevers wilden al langer dat we zouden stoppen met beleggen in fossiele brandstoffen.

ABP stopt met beleggen in fossiele brandstoffen


“I have given up hope, tonight, of ever understanding money.” “It’s simple, really…” “And yet it’s not simple at all,” Daniel said. “It follows simple rules—it obeys logic—and so Natural Philosophy should understand it, encompass it—and I, who know and understand more than almost anyone in the Royal Society, should comprehend it. But I don’t. I never will…if money is a science, then it is a dark science, darker than Alchemy. It split away from Natural Philosophy millennia ago, and has gone on developing ever since, by its own rules…”

Neal Stephenson: Quicksilver

Keeping (a)live.

We hope this unconventional gesture from the Debian project will help us make this year somewhat less terrible and give us, and thus humanity, better Free Software tooling to approach the future.

Debian donation for Peertube development


However cryptocurrency does not provide any technical answers to the inefficiencies since its entire existence is purely predicated on the appeal as a speculative investment first and not on its efficacy to transmit value.

Stephen Diehl: The Haskell Elephant in the Room