September 2021 Archiv

Keep taking me away.

I drank too much

But I needed you to know

Cold Cafe: Night Light


What does it mean, to be a teacher? In a time like this? When you cannot see your students’ faces, and yet, you have to offer them your heart?


What does the most good?

What does the least harm?

What is the debt we owe each other?

What is mundane, and what has altered my soul?

Response to Student Evaluations, Sarah E. Smith ( 2021-07-26)


Nicht ganz neue aber immer wiederkehrende Erkenntnis: Menschen sind anders und reagieren unterschiedlich.

What to post.

Wat post je eigenlijk op een blog? Wat post ik er?

Bart's eNotes: Een blog (2006-05-05)

The i in teaching.

The goal is to inspire, not to impress.