April 2019 Archiv


Wees er maar vast op voorbereid dat u misschien niet tegelijk mag instappen met de persoon die naast u zal zitten.

Charlotte Vlek: Hoe wiskunde de KLM helpt efficiënter te boarden

Open Sourcience.

We argue that, with some exceptions, anything less than the release of source programs is intolerable for results that depend on computation.

Darrel C. Ince, Leslie Hatton & John Graham-Cumming: The case for open computer programs. In: Nature volume 482, pages 485–488 (23 February 2012)


It’s not something any of us talk about very much – and maybe it’s only me – but when I’m on the bike and the blood, oxygen and caffeine are flowing as they should, I become a wild snarling beast and I don’t want ‘comfort’, ‘endurance fit’ or a ‘relaxed geometry’. I want a bike that will elevate me, conspire with me, and maybe even frighten me a bit. A bike on which I might get carried away.

Emily Chappell: Road Test: Liv Langma Advanced Pro Disc and Advanced Pro 0


Mensen namen maar gewoon aan dat de aardappel gekookt zou worden, omdat de vorige aardappel dat ook deed. Terwijl er maar één aardappel hoeft te zijn die niet wordt gekookt, en dan is de hele onderbouwing onder je stamppot weg.

De Speld: Koken op deductie: maak logisch onontkoombare gerechten!

Mastodondence or Scuttlarcism.

A social network means of group communication should be taken seriously once the majority of its usage no longer concerns itself.