Mai 2018 Archiv

May the sixteenth be with you.

Ich hätte dir am liebsten einen Stern geschweißt, aber die lassen sich nicht so leicht verschicken wie Blog-Einträge.


Honestly, the bad days on the road, they are better than the best days at the office.

Emerging Alternatives: Lessons from a decade abroad


I wake up in the morning, the smartphone no longer sleeps at my side, almost no wifi passes through my house. The coffee machine and the refrigerator are free from the internet of things, they do not connect to Starfucks + Monosanto to send my consumer data. On the table there is a tablet built to last for life. All my devices are encrypted by default and come from a local factory a few kilometres away.

Some years ago, some biohackers popularised the use of bacteria and trace elements for storing digital information. Moore's law was broken. Planned obsolescence was made illegal. The cycles of war, hunger and injustice created by the extraction of minerals and the mass production of technologies, gradually disappeared. At school we generated encryption keys: in Primary School using antiquated technologies like GPG, and later using processes based on the analysis of our sound imprint when having an orgasm.

Alex Haché: Technological Sovereignty: Learning to love machines again in: Technological Sovereignty, Vol. 2


This scenario is happening everywhere
And you ain't going to nirvana or farvana

Faithess: Mass Destruction


The good thing about being an academic: you are allowed to be embarrassed.

You can just say: That's the way it is and we'll figure it out eventually.

Simon Peyton-Jones: Escape from the ivory tower: the Haskell journey (around 32:55)