Schlagwort: Technologie


When you’re using Google Docs, you’re not actually typing into where you think you’re typing. You’re typing into a textarea in an iFrame off-screen, and through the postMessage API, those events are being sent to the “edit surface” that you see, which does stuff like draw your cursor. (Your cursor on Docs isn’t actually a cursor, it’s a 2px-wide div!)

James Somers: How I Reverse Engineered Google Docs To Play Back Any Document’s Keystrokes


It's amazing how slow javascript can be.

Alice Schwarzer und Richard Stallman.

Idealerweise sollte mensch sich vor dem Aufstellen einer Analogie auf beiden Seiten bestens auskennen.

So geht das, liebes Finanzamt.

Wijzigingen binnen 24 uur verwerkt


Sooner or later computer proof assistants will become the norm, but the longer this process takes the more misery associated with mistakes and with unnecessary self-verification the practitioners of the field will have to endure.