Juni 2020 Archiv


There is a distinction between reality and narrative. Narrative is used to hide reality from view. Narrative is the main tool of politics, of cult leaders and influencers, and of the advertising industry. To get in touch with reality I have to first cut through the thicket of narrative. It is a post-modern myth that everything is narrative. This itself is a narrative. It obscures the reality from view that behind the narrative lies reality.

Jan van Eijck: Embracing All


Wer so denkt, muss selbst Europäer*in sein oder eine*r von den Privilegierten, die sich in diesem Raum bewegen dürfen. Denn von Anfang an war Schengen auch das Abkommen der geschlossenen Grenzen.

Susan Djahangard (taz): 35 Jahre Schengen: Freiheit nur im Innern

Bett, Fahrrad, Zahnbürste.

Was mensch mit wem teilt ist nichtlinear.

But maybe it used to be?

Time travel is not a crime!


Confusing compliments are the best.