Mai 2019 Archiv

Silent Search.

I can switch search engines, but I can't tell other people to go off Gmail. Email used to work, from its 7-bit days onward. It was one standard thing that you could rely on in the ever changing mess of messaging web apps and proprietary lock-ins. And now it's increasingly broken. I hope people realize that if they don't get a reply, perhaps it's because some machine somewhere decided for them that they don't need to know about it.

Tomaž Šolc: Google is eating our mail


In 2018, Spamhaus rated .men as the worst top-level domain in terms of spam and scamming. .men comes top with 60.6% of its 73,000 domains identified as "bad", resulting in a badness index of 6.48.

Wikipedia: Generic top-level domain, Brand gTLD

(via tastytea)

DB DuftBaum.

In den Sorten abgebrannte ICE Bremsen, alter IC Teppich, trockene RE Pulverseife, und viele andere...

Der Slogan: Reiseduft, jetzt auch für zuhause.

And to myself, a tiny bit II.

You Can Get It If You Really Want

Jimmy Cliff


Ich hab' die Blumen weggeworfen und die Katze verschenkt ...

Dota: Rennrad