Juli 2017 Archiv

Ausgesorgt VI.


While the group was initially unable to confirm that water is H2O on Twin Earth, the results turned out to be due to contaminated research materials—one of the researchers’ minds had been contaminated by Chomskyan internalist semantics.

fauxphilnews: Kripke resigns as report alleges he faked results of thought experiments


Alleine im Mai wurden am Frankfurter Flughafen 35 Tonnen Fidget Spinner konfisziert.

Hengameh Yaghoobifarah (taz.de): Fidget-Spinner-Gate - Linksdrehen gegen Deutschland


“Pretend I’m someone who has never worried. I’m mystified. I don’t get it. Tell me how to worry.”

Fraa Orolo in Anathem by Neal Stephenson


"There is an urban legend that ..." is usually self-fulfilling.