Schlagwort: Überwachung

Reading Progress.

[...] in which the marketing department informs them that 82 percent of readers lost interest in their memoir on page 272. And if they want to be published in the future, whatever happens on that page should never be repeated.

Francine Prose: They’re Watching You Read

The Big F.

So people are uploading the equivalent of 193 million copies of War and Peace books, or 75,000 copies of War and Peace movies, every single day.

Vicki Boykis: What should you think about when using Facebook?


"That sounds like an excuse."
"It's the truth."

Snowden (2016)


Helmut Kohl, Gerhard Schröder, Angela Merkel – sie alle standen offenbar unter enger Überwachung durch die Regierung der USA. Das hört sich nicht sehr freundschaftlich an, hat aber auch ein paar Vorteile. NSA, klären Sie auf!

Martin Kaul ( Was die NSA uns verraten könnte: Ausspähen lohnt sich für uns

The course(s) everyone should take.

Dance like no one's watching.
Encrypt like everyone is.

poster, via Kevin Bankston