Schlagwort: Geheimnis

Unknown joy.

There is pleasure in changing small things you find important but nobody will notice.

The A-word.

Bewerbungen: Alle tun es, niemand redet darüber.


I'd filed it away as a place where you could probably meet with someone in private without being disturbed or surveilled I make a habit out of noting those things, because I am paranoid and I am right to be paranoid.

Cory Doctorow: Force Multiplier


That said, parenting philosophy is one thing, life is another. At Pixie’s two-year-old development checkup, the nurse brought out a box of toys to assess his cognitive skills. Pixie promptly unpacked it all. Once it was established that he was well on track developmentally, the nurse asked him to pack the toys away; Pixie would not hear of it. I told him in Hungarian that after he packed away, we’d go for ice cream: he immediately sprung to action and delivered the most focussed packing job the nurse has ever seen. After expressing her amazement she asked me what I’d said…

Math, Chocolate and Circus: Raising a bilingual child

Common Secrecy.

Imagine I used a pass-phrase to encrypt a message to you. If you had to guess it without any hints, what would it be? Vice versa, which pass-phrase would you choose? And what would you expect me to expect you to choose?