Schlagwort: Rollen

Alpha Male.

the early version of a male, before testing and bug fixes. Unstable and not suitable for the public.


Maybe most of them.

Men are (made) weird.

Butt and Brain.

Ohne Macht und Gewalt ist diese Männlichkeit leer.

So als giftiger Mann ist nicht so richtig entspannt.

Sookee & Alex Schrottgrenze vs. Jennifer Rostock: Hengstin


There are no passengers on spaceship earth. We are all crew.

Marshall McLuhan

Make Up and Out.

I waited patiently — years — for the pendulum to swing the other way, for men to start reading Jane Austen, learn how to knit, pretend to love cosmos, organize scrapbook parties, and make out with each other while we leer. And then we'd say, Yeah, he's a Cool Guy.

Gillian Flynn: Gone Girl