Schlagwort: Literatur

Reading Progress.

[...] in which the marketing department informs them that 82 percent of readers lost interest in their memoir on page 272. And if they want to be published in the future, whatever happens on that page should never be repeated.

Francine Prose: They’re Watching You Read

This is a Quote.

This sentence informs you that the preceding sentence is from another story entirely (a much better one, it must be noted) and has no place at all in this particular narrative. Despite claims of the preceding sentence, this sentence feels compelled to inform you that the story you are reading is in actuality “The Metamorphosis” by Franz Kafka, and that the sentence referred to by the preceding sentence is the only sentence which does indeed belong in this story. This sentence overrides the preceding sentence [...]

David Moser: This is the title of this story, which is also found several times in the story itself


Dies frühzeitige Aufstehen macht einen ganz blödsinnig. Der Mensch muß seinen Schlaf haben.

Franz Kafka: Die Verwandlung

Mdrn Tms.

Die etwas langatmigen Einführungen in das Gesamtwerk, sowie in die einzelnen Tage und Geschichten, sind im Interesse einer strafferen Gestaltung des Werkes für heutige Menschen gekürzt worden, ohne daß dabei wesentliche Bestandteile weggelasen wurden.

Johannes von Guenther: Vorwort zu Giovanni Boccaccio: Das Decameron (1957)


Er worden hier vreemde gesprekken gevoerd. De ijle lucht zeker. Seks, sappen, gedichten.

Laura in Bert Wagendorp: Ventoux