Schlagwort: Identität


“What am I to you?” he said, turning to look at the lake, his nostrils flaring. “You’re my boyfriend,” I said, rising to a kneel and wrapping my arms around him from behind. “For now,” he said, stiffening at my touch. “Until you find somebody at your fancy college who doesn’t have trouble understanding movies and gets the weird books you like.” “Grant,” I said, kissing the back of his neck. “I like you, all right?” “But you don’t think I can understand you,” he said.

Meredith Russo: If I Was Your Girl

Not only in the morning.

But that’s not me. By definition, you can’t experience your own death. Death is the end of consciousness. And consciousness persists. In the language of physics, consciousness is conserved.

I am the one who wakes up in the morning.


Every morning.

I don’t die.

I just become increasingly unlikely.

Robert Charles Wilson: Divided by Infinity


Die südschleswigsche Identität, von der Roßberg spricht, steht unter den jüngeren Leuten der Minderheit höher im Kurs als unter den älteren. Für die Jungen seien deutsch, dänisch oder friesisch altmodische Kategorien, sagt Roßberg. Sie sprechen meist mehrere Sprachen und bevorzugen keine. Sie wohnen mal in Deutschland, mal in Dänemark, die Grenze ist eher unwichtig.

Kåre Holm Thomsen: Dänen-Partei will in den Bundestag (taz 2020-01-04)


Orlando had become a woman—there is no denying it. But in every other respect, Orlando remained precisely as he had been. The change of sex, though it altered their future, did nothing whatever to alter their identity. Their faces remained, as their portraits prove, practically the same. His memory—but in future we must, for convention's sake, say 'her' for 'his,' and 'she' for 'he'—her memory then, went back through all the events of her past life without encountering any obstacle.

Virginia Woolf: Orlando: A Biography


There is a distinction between reality and narrative. Narrative is used to hide reality from view. Narrative is the main tool of politics, of cult leaders and influencers, and of the advertising industry. To get in touch with reality I have to first cut through the thicket of narrative. It is a post-modern myth that everything is narrative. This itself is a narrative. It obscures the reality from view that behind the narrative lies reality.

Jan van Eijck: Embracing All