Schlagwort: Feminismus

Walk the talk or walk off.

Men, if you say you're a feminist,
then fuck like a feminist!

Samantha Bee: #MeToo Backlash

(thx @ L*!)

Not asking for you.

You might as well relax. Whatever it is they’re asking for, honey, it’s not for you.

Germaine Greer

Silent Ally.

Feminist zu sein heißt auch manchmal einfach die Klappe zu halten.

All chicken are white?!

Critics argue that these stories often reflect a fixation on consumerism of designer brands and sexuality rather than addressing global issues such as equality.

Wikipedia: Chick Lit, referring to Pamela Butler & Jigna Desai: Manolos, Marriage, and Mantras - Chick-Lit Criticism and Transnational Feminism. In: Meridians: feminism, race, and transnationalism, Vol. 8 (2), 2008. (Download here - clicking this link might be illegal in your country. Yes, I hate JSTOR too.)


'The real problem, is that Baise-Moi is a film about violent "lower class" women, made by supposedly marginal women. The mainstream doesn't want to hear about people with nothing, the disenfranchised, the marginals, taking up arms and killing people for fun and money. It happens, of course, but we're not allowed to acknowledge it.


A lot of people really don't want to see two North African women who have been raped taking up arms and shooting European men. That's a little too close to historical reality.


There's a great pleasure in pissing people off. At least it makes them talk about things.

Virginie Despentes talking about the reactions to Baise-Moi in the Guardian (April 2002)