Juni 2019 Archiv

Future Fun.

If you read this after upgrading a remote system to buster, ping the system on the network continuously as this adds entropy to the randomness pool and the system will eventually be reachable by ssh again.

Debian 10 buster release notes: 5.1.4. Daemons fail to start or system appears to hang during boot

Doppeltes Zitat.

I believe the struggle for financial freedom is unfair

Savage Garden: Affirmation


The GDP rises whenever money changes hands. When families break down and children require foster care, the GDP grows, but not so when parents successfully care for their children. People who max out their credit cards buying things they don’t need make the GDP look good. People who save their money and live sensibly don’t. Seen through such a lens, the most economically productive people are cancer patients in the midst of getting a divorce. Healthy people in happy marriages, in contrast, are economically invisible, and all the more so if they cook at home, walk to work, grow food in a home garden, and don’t smoke.

John Robbins: What is Real Wealth?
(yes! magazine 2010-8-31)

Familie ist was mensch daraus macht.

Alles gute dir und euch!


Wuttiraden, klingt eigentlich ganz knuffig.