Januar 2017 Archiv


My pockets had always puzzled Weena, but at the last she had concluded that they were an eccentric kind of vase for floral decoration. At least she utilized them for that purpose.

H.G. Wells: The Time Machine

Which kind is this?

Maybe there are only two kinds of question in the world. The kind they ask in school, where the answer is known in advance; asked not so that anyone will be any the wiser but for other reasons. And then the others, those in the laboratory. Where one does not know the answers, and often not even the question, before one has asked it.

Peter Hoeg: Borderliners

Time travel takes time.

I could work at a problem for years, but to wait inactive for twenty-four hours — that is another matter.

H.G. Wells: The Time Machine

A, H, J and P.

There a names which I trust blindly.

Expected type Target, found Foot.

Informally, though, safe languages can be defined as ones that make it impossible to shoot yourself in the foot while programming.

Benjamin C. Pierce: Types and Programming Languages