Februar 2013 Archiv

Schreibendes Lesezeichen.

A book is good when you need a pen to read it.


Die Beispiele zeigen, dass die Filmkritiker den politischen Gehalt von „Zero Dark Thirty“ wesentlich differenzierter beurteilen als die Politikjournalisten.

Sven von Reden

¬L²αβ II.

And then you realize it is even harder to say "I do not love you."

Because even less people know what this should mean.

The job field.

I’m 24 now, and I still find it difficult to describe my job without making it sound like I browse Facebook for a living.

Federico Viticci

Not much detail.

"This is your body." But we are in Hollywood and you are male, so we can't show it to everyone, of course.

People seem to disagree about this.