Schlagwort: Welt

Mundo Libre.

This map depicts an important new geopolitical boundary: being on and off of Facebook.

Ian Wojtowicz: UnFacebook World

Rhine and Raj.

Reality check: There used to be a bus line London to Calcutta.


A free press is indispensable for a functioning society of free citizens. Opponents of freedom try to discredit reliable news agencies by sowing doubt. The least we can do is spend time and effort to get informed by the news that talented and courageous journalists bring to us and that others do not want us to read.

Jan van Eijck: On the Notion of Mainstream Media (MSM)


Nobody should have done anything "usual" yesterday.


Es geht nicht um Herkunft, Hautfarbe und Religion
Hauptsache, der Teig ist dünn; Hauptsache, Tomatensoße

Antilopen Gang: Pizza