Schlagwort: Technologie


You know that the telemetry surveillance in your operating system is getting out of hand when even the German government writes 63 pages about it.

Added Material Strength.

We knew the world would not be the same.

A few people laughed.

A few people cried.

J. Robert Oppenheimer
(quoted by Tara Drozdenko on

Grüße aus Grobkörnigen.

Rechtschreibkontrollsynchronisation, das wär' mal was.

Private Conversations.

As my children were growing, I could see that within a few years they and their friends would be wanting a mobile phone; they would want to use Internet services to chat, record personal videos and share experiences with friends. Like most parents, I had questions and concerns about the current state of big-tech products and services, about their exploitative business practices.


These tech-stacks of exploitation were not really built by accident. They are wired into the business models of every tech company in the space; not a single one advances moral values over their shareholder value. And so I knew there was no way to get to have individual freedom and control from the current phone hardware or from its OS vendor (Apple or Google). I unfortunately knew there was no way to respect the digital civil rights of society by playing the silicon valley exploitation game.

Todd Weaver: Purism Origin Story

Political Remix.

Das Bizarre am Silicon Valley ist, dass einige Ideale ganz auf der linken Seite sind und andere ganz auf der rechten. Auf der linken befürworten wir das Piratenpartei-Denken, dass alles frei, also kostenlos sein sollte. Musik etwa. Auf der rechten Seite sagen wir, alles sollte nicht vom Staat, sondern von Unternehmern gemacht werden wie Steve Jobs oder Bill Gates. Und nun haben wir als Ergebnis Multimilliardär-Monopole. Wir haben eine seltsame Beziehung von absolut libertären und absolut sozialistischen Idealen gemixt.

Jaron Lanier im taz Interview