Schlagwort: Programmieren

Type-Safe Burnchain.

This function will run for about 32 hours while your transaction propagates through the bitcoin mempool, then through a bunch of coal-guzzling server farms in Xinjiang. This ultimately burns through an acre of rainforest in the Amazon, but we can ignore that because it’s an unobservable side effect. If the market is good it will eventually evaluate and yield a response. The result is wrapped in a Either value where the right success value will contain the result of your function or a left failure value in the case where you’ve been outbid. If you’ve been outbid, you’ll simply have to bid higher to evaluate your code because that’s how code under capitalism works.

Stephen Diehl: FPTs: Pure Fungibility on the Blockchain (2021-04-01)

Login TV.

Whoever thought playing a video on a login page to be used every day needs to readjust their definition of usability.

Computer science does not get the same fair trial.

Not every little girl that enjoys programming class will aspire to become a programmer. Not every little boy will either. And that’s ok. But we should be showing them that they can do it if they want to. Because maybe if Barbie had been told that she was just as capable as the boys, she wouldn’t think that she needed Steven and Brian in order to make her game design come to life.

Dominique Danco: Beating the bias: Getting girls into programming (warning:, take this.)

Tussenvoegsel Dropdown.

Every culture has its unjustified global assumptions that end up in source code as law.

Peak gadgetism.

Oh. Looks like I can play Tetris on my watch now.