Schlagwort: Linux

The Year of the Linux Phone.

Where we once had to live with illegally closed-source forks of the Linux kernel, we now have a git repository in which upstream Linux releases are tracked with a series of auditable patches for supporting various devices, many of which are making their way into upstream Linux. Where we once had a forum thread with five wrong answers to the same question on page 112, we now have a bug report on GitLab with a documented workaround and a merge request pending review.

Drew DeVault: postmarketOS revolutionizes smartphone hacking


Do you want to pay for haircuts your whole life? Think of the money you can save if you pull your hair out earliy with mobile Linux!

Peter Mack in Cyberdeck Users Weekly: Linux on mobile with Linmob (2021-11-09)


New job, new operating system?


Seven years of Debian, still happy.

C Email O.

I read a lot more email than I write, because what my job really is — in the end, my job is to say no.


So commit messages to me are almost as important as the code change itself.


A lot of open source in general is about communication. And part of it is the commit messages, part of it is just the email going back and forth. Communicating what you're trying to do or communicating why something doesn't work for you is really important.

Linus Torvalds: 'I Do No Coding Any More'