Schlagwort: Leben


Mit Übereinstimmungen zwischen Träumen und Realität kann ich umgehen, aber zwischen Literatur und Leben machen sie mich doch nervös.


He had always wondered about it, and indeed he belonged to a generation that had no understanding of tattooing as an art form. Why embellish yourself with something that never goes away, when we constantly change and evolve?

David Lagercrantz: The Girl Who Takes an Eye for an Eye


Das Wort "Lebenslauf" führt in die Irre: Wir laufen nicht einfach. Wir krabbeln, schleichen, hetzen, radeln, begegnen, verlassen, kehren um, lernen, genießen, ...


Life is not the opposite of death.
Death is the opposite of birth,
life is eternal.

Anathema: Presence

Big Shleppa.

Backup. A perfect, perfectly seductive name for scan and sim. She was amazed she hadn't heard it. As soon as she did, Limpopo just knew there must be thousands — millions — of people using the term. Once you conceived of the thing that made you you as data, aeons of data-handling anxiety kicked in. If you had data, it had to be backed up. Anything important that wasn't backed up was good as lost. Data is haunted by Murphy. Do something irreplaceable and magnificent while out of network and backup range and you were begging for critical failure that nuked it all.

Cory Doctorow: Walkaway