Schlagwort: Leben

The hard part is to choose.

There are infinitely many kinds of beautiful lives.

Maria Popova: Figuring

Ich ende, also bin ich.

We spend our lives trying to discern where we end and the rest of the world begins.

Maria Popova: Figuring


Making apps and games from an island in the Marquesas sounds idyllic. It's easy to imagine a developer smiling, one hand on the keyboard and the other holding a perspiring glass of pamplemousse juice, so pleased with his choices. 'AH! Dee-li-cious!' In truth, the developer can't enjoy his pamplemousse juice because he's too busy swearing at faraway bodies in Silicon Valley who think 10 G software updates are perfectly reasonable.Making apps and games from an island in the Marquesas sounds idyllic. It's easy to imagine a developer smiling, one hand on the keyboard and the other holding a perspiring glass of pamplemousse juice, so pleased with his choices. 'AH! Dee-li-cious!' In truth, the developer can't enjoy his pamplemousse juice because he's too busy swearing at faraway bodies in Silicon Valley who think 10 G software updates are perfectly reasonable.

Hundred Rabbits: tools ecosystem

Wel met die van anderen.

Elk nieuw leven dat een mens begint is een voortzetting van het oude leven!


Niemand kan tweemaal op hetzelfde punt beginnen. Elk experiment dat niet herhaald kan worden, is helemaal geen experiment. Niemand kan met zijn leven experimenteren.

Willem Frederik Hermans: Nooit meer slapen

Lernenslanges Leben.

It's sad but probable that I will learn less during the next century than this one.