Schlagwort: Kultur

Could say the same about the press.

The idea that you might wanna read something - that's too much, can't do that.

Noam Chomsky


And suddenly the penis-count is raised by a movie so much about lesbians that it would probably fail a reversed bechtel test.

Swipe Away Creativity.

Die "Entwicklung" vom Tastenblock zum Touchscrenn zeigt in die gleiche Richtung wie die vom symmetrischen Telefon zum asymmetrischen Internetzugang: Kommunikationsgeräte werden zu Konsumgeräten.

Das maximale Flächengewicht einer Postkarte hat die Stärke einer klassischen Pommesschale.



English language is like Swiss cheese. It has so many holes, they are already becoming an important part.