Schlagwort: Krieg

IV. Love.

Death is the winner in any war
Nothing noble in dying for your religion
For your country
For ideology, for faith
For another man, yes

T. Holopainen

No, I will not quote the whole song. I am going for the full album.


Let us not forget that it was only a few years ago when those who spoke about green energy and climate change were considered peculiar. Now it is widely accepted that an environmental disaster is upon us. There was once a time when people bought and sold other human beings as if they were mere chattels, things. But people eventually came to their senses. So it will be the case for nuclear arms, sooner or later.

Desmond Tutu

Станислав Евграфович Петров.

Second, the computer is, by definition, brainless.

the guy who saved us all


Die Beispiele zeigen, dass die Filmkritiker den politischen Gehalt von „Zero Dark Thirty“ wesentlich differenzierter beurteilen als die Politikjournalisten.

Sven von Reden