Schlagwort: Kategorien

Now and Then.

Note the difference between "Only nerds will pass this course." and "Everyone who passed this course is a nerd."

Amis et Amants.

Amants qui seraient des amis,
Nuls serments et toujours fidèles.
Tout donné sans rien de promis.
Tels nous, et nos morales telles.

Paul Verlaine (1844 - 1896): Projet en l'air

Eat all labels.

So what I’m saying is this: creating a vegetarian subculture will not help fight against the carni-normative attitude. It’s better to be a pragmatist and refuse the label. Instead, we will speak out about our food preferences, and our reasons for them. This is the most consistent way to promote social change.

It Ain't Necessarily So. Why I’m Not A Vegetarian

Open Position(s).

I‘m not gonna apply for so­me­thing I have no clue about and I‘m not gonna sign any pa­pers and I don‘t know be­fo­rehand how I want things to be. We can talk about our CVs, but I‘ll not bring any re­fe­ren­ces.

feministischefetzen: „Love is not a job interview“ – Stories about (not) getting involved with someone

Relationaler Russell.

Irgendwelche Eigenschaften gemeinsam zu haben kann keine Eigenschaft im gleichen Sinne wie die dazu betrachteten Eigenschaften sein.

Sonst hätten Dinge die nichts gemeinsam haben, zumindest dies und damit doch etwas gemeinsam.