Schlagwort: Kapitalismus


Corporations built to maximize profits are unable to build consensual platforms.

Dmytri Kleiner: Mr. Peel Goes to Cyberspace

Die Fabrik im Unipelz.

The fact that there may be other animals around does not make the presence of the Wolf less significant or threatening.

Willem Halffman & Hans Radder: The Academic Manifesto: From an Occupied to a Public University

All that poop.

When you’re a crowdfunding artist, it shouldn’t matter what your choices are as long as you’re delivering your side of the bargain — the art, the music. It shouldn’t matter whether you’re spending money on guitar picks, rent, printer paper, diapers, college loans, or the special brand of organic absinthe you use to find your late-night muse…. as long as art is making it out the other side and making your patrons happy.

We’re artists, not art factories.

Amanda Palmer: No, I Am Not Crowdfunding This Baby (an open letter to a worried fan)

Good to know.

First, if it wins the referendum, the Greek government will be empowered by democratic legitimacy, which still, I think, matters in Europe. (And if it doesn’t, we need to know that, too.)

Paul Krugman: Europe’s Moment of Truth


Mit Freundschaft hat das nichts zu tun, es ist die verlogenste Durchökonomisierung der Begegnung, die Gästen und Gastgebern jede Eigenwilligkeit austreibt, weil sich alle permanent auf der Airbnb-Website beurteilen und abchecken. Ich will nicht bewertet werden. Ich will in Ruhe übernachten. Ich gehe ins Hotel. Das kommt mir inzwischen wie Fair Trade vor.

Edith Kresta (taz): Warum mich Airbnb nur noch nervt