Schlagwort: Geschichten

This Guy.

Er trug eine schwarze Strickjacke mit großen gelben Smileys darauf. Meistens war sie geöffnet und darunter ein rotes T-Shirt mit Bären-Comics zu sehen.

The Very Last Day.

I had drawn up a list of scientists of both East and West and had written to them, enclosing the statement, shortly before I went to Rome with the Parliamentarians. I had, of course, sent the statement to Einstein for his approval, but had not yet heard what he thought of it and whether he would be willing to sign it. As we flew from Rome to Paris, where the World Government Association were to hold further meetings, the pilot announced the news of Einstein’s death. I felt shattered, not only for the obvious reasons, but because I saw my plan falling through without his support. But, on my arrival at my Paris hotel, I found a letter from him agreeing to sign. This was one of the last acts of his public life.

Bertrand Russell: Autobiography


Jemensch sollte Stiller neu schreiben. Als coming-of-age movie. Statt Julika gibt es dann Eltern die felsenfest behaupten die der Gefangenen zu sein.


and they end up getting married in the end just because it’s easier to explain that way, you know, a single lady ~~living alone with a man~~ even if he’s not actually a man, and that’s fine with them because beauty was never really into the whole boys and sex thing and the beast (whose name is jeff) is honestly more interested in his flowers

christine: beauty and the beast


Zu Beginn des Gesprächs stellten sie einen Wecker. Der ältere Herr am Nebentisch mag gedacht haben dies sei für den Fall dass sie vor Langeweile einschlafen würden, doch dieser war das Gegenteil. Sowieso konnte er den Wecker in diesem aus seiner Sicht modernen Apparat nicht erkennen.