Schlagwort: Bequemlichkeit


Manche Anpassungen sind auch sehr spät immer noch besser als nie.


“Can I get anyone anything?” is a standard get-out-of-room-quick card and can be played whenever uncomfortable circumstances, ranging from mild embarrassment to major impending doom, are fast approaching. Most cultures have a variation on the “can I get anyone anything,” and they are so obviously rhetorical that they barely merit a question mark.

Eoin Colfer: And Another Thing...


Hey! I heard that Lean thinks 1/0 = 0. Is that true?

Yes. So do Coq and Agda and many other theorem provers.


But doesn’t that lead to confusion?

It certainly seems to lead to confusion on Twitter. But it doesn’t lead to confusion when doing mathematics in a theorem prover. Mathematicians don’t divide by 0 and hence in practice they never notice the difference between real.div and mathematical division (for which 1/0 is undefined). Indeed, if a mathematician is asking what Lean thinks 1/0 is, one might ask the mathematician why they are even asking, because as we all know, dividing by 0 is not allowed in mathematics, and hence this cannot be relevant to their work.

Xena: Division by zero in type theory: a FAQ

Table of Fine Math.

Also, the floor can be bumpy but has to be free of steps - if the table is on a staircase, as you often find in outdoor cafes in Tuscan hill towns like San Gimignano, the math doesn't work. But then, if you are sitting on a restaurant terrace in Tuscany, who cares?

Keith Devlin: How to stabilize a wobbly table


Any bird that has learned how to grub up a good living without being compelled to use its wings will soon renounce the privilege of flight and remain forever grounded.

Aldous Huxley: Brave New World Revisited