März 2021 Archiv


Waar je altijd bang voor de host wordt

omdat je geroast wordt

Zondag met Lubach ft. Sosha Duysker: Ga niet naar Nieuwsuur

The Conversation.

I love the terminal, the shell, bash, the command line. I discovered it during a time of extreme digital burnout and this discovery was honestly one of the most important parts of my life. Because you are cool, and likely my friend (or future friend!), I want to share the command line with you.

coolguy.website: the map is the territory


Am schlimmsten ist, dass ich nicht mehr richtig schlafen kann. Wenn ich mir nicht vorher einen Rotwein-Rausch antrinke, masturbiere oder eine große Runde joggen war, geht es eigentlich gar nicht.

Mascha Anders

Again (and again)².

The next days, expect one deja-vu after another.

World Wide Whatever.

I don't know what "vore" is, but it sounds like an internet thing, and one thing I've learned is I never want to know about internet things.

Elliot in Questionable Content #4480