März 2020 Archiv

Kommun-ikation hilft.

Maybe we will all read more and everyone will become reflective and enlightened.

Jeffrey (underground cinemas)


Heel gek. Ik stond hier gister nog met allemaal zakken in mijn wagentje, maar ik heb niks meer in huis.

de 39-jarige Nick in De Speld: Man iedere dag opnieuw in supermarkt voor weekvoorraad chips

PiDay without Party.

Your party might be cancelled, but not your birthday!


Maar de geschiedenis kent geen startschoten, enkel een aaneenrijgen van flardjes draad door de eeuwen heen, rafelig touw, samengeklitte lompen.

David van Reybrouck: Zink


The €101m, trapezoid Forum building is part library, part meeting space, part science museum and part recreational hangout – a 10-storey “multi-space” designed to resonate with citizens who know that shopping is not necessarily the answer. It’s a new-look department store that doesn’t actually sell very much.

Oliver Balch (The Guardian): The new-look shopping mall that doesn't sell stuff