September 2018 Archiv

Kritik und Kontroversen.

4.1 Gespräche mit AfD-Politikern
4.2 Strafanzeigen wegen Presseberichterstattung auf
4.3 NSA-Untersuchung
4.4 Vorwurf, im Fall Amri gegenüber dem Parlament die Unwahrheit gesagt zu haben
4.5 Äußerungen zu den Ausschreitungen in Chemnitz

Auszug aus dem Inhaltsverzeichnis des Wikipedia-Artikels über Hans-Georg Maaßen (Stand 13:33, 9. Sep. 2018‎)

The Problems of our Time.

The other three sides of the tower are displaying the correct time, which is decidedly confusing for city dwellers and tourists alike. A special company has been hired to fix the broken clock, but it is expected to take around a week for all sides of the tower to display the same time. If the software error is not fixed by the end of October, then that clock face will actually become the correct time again due to daylight saving time.

The Northern Times: Martini Tower clock displaying wrong time

Care or Cash.

For instance: in our society, there seems to be a general rule that, the more obviously one’s work benefits other people, the less one is likely to be paid for it.

David Graeber: Bullshit Jobs


Oh, who, in the enthusiasm of a daydream, has not wished that he were a wanderer in a world of summer wilderness, with one fair and gentle being hanging lightly on his arm?

Nathaniel Hawthorne: Roger Malvin's Burial


Fietsen is een vreemd soort verslaving. 's Ochtends kun je bijna niet op je fiets komen van sufheid en ellende, en 's avonds kun je bijna niet van je fiets af komen zo hyper word je van de hele dag maar door- en verder fietsen.

Hans van Ditmarsch: Tien redenen om niet naar Noordkaap te gaan