Januar 2015 Archiv


Im letzten Jahr habe ich 44mal an einem anderen Ort übernachtet als die Nacht davor. Insgesamt an 36 verschiedenen Orten.


Write, Burn, Repeat.


"Warum schreibt du immer nur solche Bücher?"
"Weil es die anderen nun mal schon gibt."

Malina (1991)


and they end up getting married in the end just because it’s easier to explain that way, you know, a single lady ~~living alone with a man~~ even if he’s not actually a man, and that’s fine with them because beauty was never really into the whole boys and sex thing and the beast (whose name is jeff) is honestly more interested in his flowers

christine: beauty and the beast


Some languages are more fun if you do not know them.


One can only be sure about being bisexual.