Schlagwort: Wohnen

Wumme Wumme.

Luxus ist, wenn das einzige Problem an der Wohnung die bei Bass klappernden Fenster sind.


It felt like the ideal marriage.

But I only realized that when it was over.


No wifi, no reason to baptise your flat.

Professional Homeless.

Lustig, dass ich in meinem "self storage" alles, nur nicht mich selbst aufbewahren darf.

Not-even-how do you do?

Social identity theory outlines the way that humans self-identify with a group or organization that they feel reflects their values and attributes. The identity you apply to yourself, in the United States and especially in a place like New York City, is unfortunately but inevitably tied up in your money-making methods. I am a doctor, I am a journalist, I am a receptionist. In New York, the question "what do you do?" is everywhere you turn. The cost of living means that money is a constant on the minds of the majority of residents. How much you pay in rent is not a taboo question, but rather an extremely common topic of conversation (and probably the question asked next after "what do you do?");

Alecia Lynn Eberhardt: I Am Not My Job: Why I Left New York City