Schlagwort: Vorsicht


Ich schreibe dir, weil: Solange ich schreibe, spreche ich zwar nicht, aber ich schweige auch nicht.

Kim de l'Horizon: Blutbuch


There is not always a rope.

a climber


For as I reflect on my career I believe I could have accomplished more if I had not cared so much what people thought of me. Natural Philosophy cannot advance without attacking theories that are old, and beating back new ones that are wrong, neither of which may be accomplished without doing some injury to their professors. I have been a mediocre Natural Philosopher not because I was stupid but because I was, after a fashion, cowardly. Today I shall try boldness for once, and be a better Natural Philosopher for it, and probably get you all hating me by the time I am done.

Daniel Waterhouse in The Confusion by Neal Stephenson


Home is where you (can) leave the desk with your computer unlocked.


"Wij voelen dat het nog te vroeg is. We willen ze hier nog niet hebben", zegt Raw. "We houden vol. Als er één les is die we kunnen trekken uit de zeventiende eeuw is dat het leven uiteindelijk weer normaal wordt", zegt dominee Gilbert.

Tim de Wit / NOS nieuwsuur: Er is één Brits dorp dat niets van versoepelingen wil weten