Schlagwort: Sexismus

Minority Report.

Surprisingly, our results show that women's contributions tend to be accepted more often than men's. However, when a woman's gender is identifiable, they are rejected more often.

Terrell J, Kofink A, Middleton J, Rainear C, Murphy-Hill E, Parnin C. (2016) Gender bias in open source: Pull request acceptance of women versus men. PeerJ PrePrints 4:e1733v1

Hey Bro.

Damn sexist hugging behavior!

Kognitive Dissonanz.

So everyone watches Game of Thrones but rape culture does not exist? Yeah, sure ...


Je moet in Mariokart gewoon de prinses kunnen kiezen zonder in iedere bocht lastiggevallen en tegengewerkt te worden.

De Speld: Ik speelde Mariokart met de prinses en ik begrijp nu hoe zwaar vrouwen het hebben

Nobody hits the hitters.

Over the next week, it just got worse.  Two or three times a day I’d be deep in thought, trying to focus on this tangled plotting that I needed to resolve, and some woman would tap me on the shoulder to offer me a cup of coffee.  I couldn’t concentrate, because sometimes they were very insistent: “You sure you don’t want a coffee, sweetie?” they’d ask, sometimes lurking over me after I’d refused them, just in case I changed my mind.  Sometimes they just bought the coffee for me anyway, without even asking me ...

Ferrett Steinmetz: Can I Buy You A Coffee?