Schlagwort: Quatsch


Alleine im Mai wurden am Frankfurter Flughafen 35 Tonnen Fidget Spinner konfisziert.

Hengameh Yaghoobifarah ( Fidget-Spinner-Gate - Linksdrehen gegen Deutschland

Change the Game.

Now if the game were offered to me, I would reason as follows. “This game sucks. [...]

Jan van Eijck: Questions for Paolo Galeazzi


Made in USA.
Not for use as pants.

T-shirt Waschzettel


Indeed, if you look at the scientific enterprise today, almost all of its institutionalized procedures are methods not for testing hypotheses, but for filtering hypotheses: [...]

Sabine Hossenfelder: The Holy Grail of Crackpot Filtering: How the arXiv decides what’s science – and what’s not.


Buying things is actually just selling money.