Schlagwort: Prioritäten

Good Reading Modulo Arrogant Leading.

Yet home need not always be a place. It can be a territory, a relationship, a craft, a way of expression.

Gianpiero Petriglieri


Es gibt sie ständig. Zum Beispiel dazwischen, bestimmte Menschen (nicht) sehen zu wollen und plumpem Hunger.

Waar het om gaat.

Waar het om gaat, is dat het het de moeite waard is om te proberen van elkaar te houden, ook als het niet perfect is of als het niet lukt. Dat is beter en mooier dan het niet te proberen. Je moet de wil hebben om iets te maken, maar je moet ook accepteren dat niet alles maakbaar is.

Norbert ter Hall

Wheelentine's day.

Some people (who really know me) end their written messages to me with "best wishes to your bicycle."

Requiem for the Indifferent.

This title refers to the end of an era. Mankind can no longer stick their head in the sand for the things that are happening around us. We are facing many challenges. There is an enormous tension between different religions and cultures, wars, natural disasters and a huge financial crisis, which is getting out of control. More than ever we will need each other to overcome these problems. As we are all connected; the universe, earth, nature, animals and human beings, this period in time will be the prelude to the end for those who still don't want to, or simply won't see it. 'A Requiem For The Indifferent', but also a possibility for a new beginning with great new chances!

Epica about their latest album.