Schlagwort: Menschen

Past, meet Future. Future, meet Past.

How did we end up with "ex" being a sufficient way to talk about or introduce someone?

Simply Solitude.

Is my need for solitude eccentric or does everybody need interludes alone with themselves? I suspect the urgency and frequency of my need is a bit odd. No doubt there's some convoluted psychological explanation which doesn't interest me. We are what we are.

Dervla Murphy: Silverland (2006)


The common use of computers, as we understand them today, as sources for models and metaphors of ourselves is probably about as reliable as the use of the steam engine was back then.

Jaron Lanier: You Are Not A Gadget.


Es gibt Leute die sind zuverlässig unzuverlässig.

Djerassi 3.0.

Personally, I look forward to a future where the majority of guys are card-carrying members of the injection club—a world where teen pregnancy wouldn’t be the large-scale life-ruiner it is today, and women wouldn’t be forced to pump themselves full of hormones or undergo dangerous surgical procedures to ensure their continued childlessness.

Arikia Millikan: The Perfect Birth Control for Men Is Here. Why Can't We Use It?