Schlagwort: Kommunikation


Consider this sentence: Sue invited Anna for dinner. She proposed to meet on Monday. In spoken language, the word she could refer either to Sue or Anna. A signing person however can resolve this ambiguity: they will place Sue and Anna at two points in space and explicitly refer to one of them by pointing to her location.

Iris Proff: What happens if you grow up without language?

Calling is not blogging.

For example, if you forgot to call your father for 3 weeks, it does not make sense to call him 3 times in a single day to make up for it.

The Org Manual: 8.3.2 Repeated tasks


Social media updates from the riders are a bit sparse, it seems that they are all too busy riding bikes. Can't think why. Race Around The Netherlands - Day 1 - The beginning

C Email O.

I read a lot more email than I write, because what my job really is — in the end, my job is to say no.


So commit messages to me are almost as important as the code change itself.


A lot of open source in general is about communication. And part of it is the commit messages, part of it is just the email going back and forth. Communicating what you're trying to do or communicating why something doesn't work for you is really important.

Linus Torvalds: 'I Do No Coding Any More'

Freedom Call.

Over the past two months, I’m in voice and video conferences for several hours a day. It has become routine. But this is something else entirely. I strongly reminds me of a day 15 years ago when I had my first 3G video call to my girlfriend between Germany and Italy. She was in Rome at the time walking through the Circo Massimo and showed me the place. A magic moment, my first international video call. Today was such a magic moment again. Private end-to-end mobile voice and video calling over my own infrastructure. Ah!

Martin Sauter: XMPP Voice and Video Calls with Conversations – A Dream Come True