Schlagwort: Internet


Du hast facebook.

Ich hab Feuerwehr.

MC ST feat. EVENTPHONE: Ich hab Feuerwehr


The name drill is a pun on dig. With drill you should be able get even more information than with dig.


World Wide Whatever.

I don't know what "vore" is, but it sounds like an internet thing, and one thing I've learned is I never want to know about internet things.

Elliot in Questionable Content #4480

Feature from the Past.

Surprise of the day: The "Work Offline" option in my browser still exists.


It appears that Facebook will only look at problems if they realize that it might cost them too much political or media capital if they continue to ignore them

Hans de Zwart: How The Dude Was Duped By Big Tech

(warning: use this.)