Schlagwort: Denken


And I make no apology
for linking my thinking
with computer technology.

Faithless: Reverence


Man sollte nie so viel zu tun haben, dass man zum Nachdenken keine Zeit mehr hat.

Georg Christoph Lichtenberg


As everybody knows, I may be slow
But I never quit
Sometimes, on a good day, I sit and think
Sometimes I just sit

Deep Purple: All The Time In The World

Jenny thinks a lot.

Jenny thought that Emma believed that the boss knew that the chemist did not want Emma to work for him.

James Stiller, R.I.M. Dunbar: Perspective-taking and memory capacity predict social network size (Appendix A.1.1. Questions) [DOI: 10.1016/j.socnet.2006.04.001]


Never underestimate how little people will (want to) think when they were given orders.