Schlagwort: Ästhetik

Beautiful Nuclear Dualities.

I think we mathematicians are a little bit behind the curve. We are not fully aware of the Frankenstein that we may have already created or could create. I think that’s another aspect of this responsibility of mathematicians to take a more public role—to educate the public by giving them access to the beauty and power of mathematics.

Edward Frenkel


Triangles are my favourite shape
Three points where two lines meet.
Toe to toe, back to back, let's go
My love it's very late.
'Til morning comes, let's tessellate.

Alt-J (∆) - Tessellate


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search them find them chew them spit them
work them buff them rule them sniff them
doubt them trust them build them hug them
ride them sell them kill them love them

Sookee - Wordnerd