Februar 2019 Archiv

Rom komm schon.

Wenn wir nicht mehr können
schauen wir uns ne Romcom an.

Mine & Fatoni: Romcom


Is there a word for regretting a recommendation one made?

Private Conversations.

As my children were growing, I could see that within a few years they and their friends would be wanting a mobile phone; they would want to use Internet services to chat, record personal videos and share experiences with friends. Like most parents, I had questions and concerns about the current state of big-tech products and services, about their exploitative business practices.


These tech-stacks of exploitation were not really built by accident. They are wired into the business models of every tech company in the space; not a single one advances moral values over their shareholder value. And so I knew there was no way to get to have individual freedom and control from the current phone hardware or from its OS vendor (Apple or Google). I unfortunately knew there was no way to respect the digital civil rights of society by playing the silicon valley exploitation game.

Todd Weaver: Purism Origin Story